Strongsville Center - Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry
Richard S. Weiser, D.D.S. Inc - General Dentistry

Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Strongsville

If you have lost confidence in your smile because of missing teeth, Strongsville Center for Cosmetic and Implant Dentistryhas the solution for renewing its aesthetic. Dr. Richard Weiser has years of experience placing dental implants to restore bite strength and confidence. From a single tooth to full arches, implant supported restorations from our Strongsville implant dentists are reliable and look as natural as your own teeth.

Reasons for Dental Implants:

  • Replace one or more missing teeth without affecting adjacent teeth.
  • Resolve joint pain or bite problems caused by teeth shifting into missing tooth space.
  • Restore a patient’s confident smile.
  • Restore chewing, speech, and digestion.
  • Restore or enhance facial tissues.
  • Support a bridge or denture, making it more secure and comfortable.

Implant Supported Placements

Dental implants are biocompatible titanium posts that are integrated into the jawbone and serve as the tooth’s new root, creating a strong foundation for the crown. The restoration is anchored into place by the post and provides stability for the placement while maintaining a healthy density for the jawbone. Dental implants prevent surrounding teeth from shifting and preserve facial integrity while providing long-term advantages to oral health. Patients that have received implant supported restorations do not experience the negative effects of missing teeth such as receding jaw lines and decreased bone density.

Personalized Treatment

Dr. Richard Weiser provides an excellent experience for his patients in Strongsville, with the flexibility of choosing the missing tooth solution that is best for you. Implant-based solutions are determined through an analysis of the patient’s health and their dental needs. Many individuals need a full prosthetic solution but desire a more durable alternative to traditional dentures. All-on-four implanted prosthetics are a proven solution that is both permanent and comfortable. We also offer hybrid screw retained dentures, another option that offers continuous durability and long-term dependability.

If a patient is told they are not able to proceed with the dental implant procedure due to insufficient bone density, Dr. Weiser may recommend bone grafting. This procedure restores your jawbone and allows you the effective dental implant treatment you deserve. You and Dr. Weiser will determine the implant option that is best for you and will give you the desired results

In-Office Lab

Our practice in Strongsville provides excellent dental restorations for individuals on the day of placement. Our in-house technician utilizes CEREC technology to fabricate same day crowns and bridges. Strongsville Center for Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry has state-of-the-art technologies and experienced methods which allow us to offer comprehensive implant restoration services that are affordable.

Call Our Strongsville Implant Dentist Today!

If you think that dental implants may be the tooth replacement option for you, contact our office today so we can schedule your consultation!